Cambodia Request

On 18 March 1969, pressurized by President Richard Nixon’s
Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, the United States launched an
attack on Cambodia with B-52 bombers from high altitude in order to
“demolish the NLF bases” there. Each of the planes dropped some
thirty tons of bombs. The intensive bombing went on for fourteen
months. More sporadic attacks continued until 15 August 1973, when
the US Congress pushed through a stop. In total, 540 000 tons of
bombs were dropped on Cambodia.
In his book “The Trial of Henry Kissinger” (2001), the journalist
Christopher Hitchens presents evidence that Kissinger is liable to
prosecution for the instigation of murder in Santiago (Chile), Nicosia
(Cyprus), and Washington D.C., war crimes in Vietnam, the bombing
of Cambodia, massacres in Bangladesh in 1971 and as well as genocide in East Timor in 1975. This has not yet been done.
Prince Norodom Sihanouk was no longer able to control the
situation in Cambodia, where many areas had become effective bases
for the communists. General Lon Nol subsequently carried out a coup
d’etat, overthrowing Prince Sihanouk with the help of the CIA on 18
March 1970. In April of that year American and South Vietnamese
troops were let into Cambodia to “save the country from communism”. In this way, Lon Nol, who had appointed himself “marshal”,
forced “the Khmer Republic” into the war in Indo-China. Close to two
million peasants fled to the capital, which already had one million
inhabitants. The Finnish investigating commission estimated that
American warfare in Cambodia had cost the lives of at least 600 000
people. In May 1970, American troops entered Laos as well.
The American military equipment for Lon Nol’s regime was insured
by the national Soviet insurance agency (Gostrakh), according to
Chinese sources (“Soviet Foreign Policy: Social Imperialism”, Chinese
Embassy, Helsinki, 1977, p. 10). The same source states that Czechoslovakia manufactured arms for Lon Nol in a factory inside Cambodia.
At the same time, Peking supported the Red Khmer, while Moscow
stood behind the Vietnamese red terrorists, who according to Gary
Allen, also received arms from the United States.
Soon, many of Lon Nol’s supporters realized that they had been
shamelessly used, and joined the democratic movement behind
Sihanouk. Thus the communist Pol Pot Kmae-kroh movement was
helped to power on 17 April 1975, indirectly by the United States
and directly by China. Pol Pot (actually Saloth Sar) renamed the
country Kampuchea (the original name Cambodia was taken back
after the fall of the communist regime in 1989). This was the
beginning of an unequalled reign of terror. On the Thai border were
6000 men belonging to the khmer-serei guerrilla, which represented
democracy. They did not receive any aid from the United States. On
the other hand, 25 000 Red Khmer terrorists continuously and
secretly received Western aid, according to a British documentary,
“Cambodia the Year Zero”, by the Australian journalist John Pilger.
Between 1975 and 1979, some two million people were killed in
Kampuchea (of a population of eight million), under the motto of Pol
Pot: “Keep them – no gain. Exterminate them – no loss. We will burn
away the old grass, so the new will grow.”
The operation had been planned two years before by a group of
ideologists belonging to the political lodge Angka Loeu (The Higher
Organization). Their aim was to implement all communist Chinese
principles at once (in China itself it took 25 years). Everything from
the past was to be destroyed and annihilated. Angka Loeu consisted
of a score of intellectuals (teachers and bureaucrats). Of the eight
leaders (Khieu Samphan, May Mann, Ieng Sary, Nuon Chea, Son Sen,
Pol Pot and others), five were teachers, one a university professor,
one an economist and one a bureaucrat, according to Paul Johnson.
All had studied in France in the early 1950s, and there become
members of the French Communist Party and freemasons, learning
from the leaders of the Martinist Order that the use of violence was
good for society, a “truth” eagerly propagated by the radical leftwing freemasons.
Kenneth Quinn, of the US State Department, had received information about the plans of Angka Loeu, and wrote a report about the
planned mass murder, dated 20 February 1974 (“Political Change in
Wartime: The Khmer Krahom Revolution in Southern Cambodia 1970-
74″, American Science Association, 4 September 1975). The plan
stated that “individual members of society must be mentally reconstructed” and that “the traditional foundations, structures and
forces, which have shaped and governed the life of an individual
must be torn down, using terror and other means”. After this, the
individual would be “rebuilt in accordance to party doctrine,
replacing old values with new ones”. This reeks of freemasonry. The
American leadership did not intend to interfere with such a plan. One
does not to disturb one’s masonic brothers when they follow international instructions.
The carnage in Cambodia began on 17 April 1975, when the Red
Khmer, young indoctrinated peasant soldiers entered the capital
Pnomh Penh, the home of three million people. The violence began
at 7 a. m. with attacks on Chinese shops. The first murders were
committed at 8. 45. At 10 a. m., the soldiers opened fire on everyone
they saw in the streets, in order to cause panic, so that everyone fled
the city.
All hospitals were evacuated. Rockets were fired towards any
house showing signs of movement. In the evening, the water was
turned off. No officers were in sight. The intellectual freemasons who
had planned these evil deeds, to build a society without cities or
money, did not appear. The Red Khmer took the women and small
children to the killing fields.
All ties of friendship were banned. Only dark clothes were allowed,
brightly coloured clothes were regarded as expressions of individualism.
This was typical of the masonic humanism that spread from France
to other parts of the world. The leaders of the Revolution (all freemasons) had declared, in 1793: “We will rather turn all of France into
a graveyard than fail.” (Guy Lenotre, “The Mass Drownings in Nantes”, Stockholm, 1913, p. 157) Compassion with the victims was
regarded as criminal (ibid, p. 153). The masonic leaders wanted to be
rid of the royalists and the enemies of the people, whom they regarded as “superfluous mouths”. Among the victims were women and
children. The mass drownings in the Loire River were called “floods”,
and were organized by the Common Welfare Committee (13 members,
all freemasons).
The Red Khmer had learned much from this “revolutionary” terror
imposed on the French by Jewish freemasons

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The name Melanesia, from Greek μέλας, black, and νῆσος, islandetymologically means “islands of black [people]”, in reference to the dark skin of the inhabitants.

The Thin Red Line – Melanesian Choirs

The Pacific Island nation spans a 30,000-island chain comprising three ethnogeographic groupings: Melanesia, Micronesia, and my home, Polynesia. Melanesia’s Solomon Islands are known for having the clearest waters and largest varieties of sea life in the world. The Pohnpei Islands, with their rich natural resources, are known as the “Garden of Micronesia.” Then there is Tuvalu, made up of five island chains of Polynesia, where the endless fish and turtles make snorkeling the main tourist activity. As welcoming as these islands sound, over the last 30 years, global warming has been causing trouble in paradise. 

Sea levels have risen two to three times the global average over the past few decades, making reef islands vulnerable to erosion and causing them to shrink. In addition, rising sea levels have caused an increase in flooding that has threatened the core food source of our nation — agriculture, creating a permeating effect on food security and the livelihood of the island natives. This is the reality our Polynesian brothers and sisters face in the islands of Tuvalu. Tuvalu has already purchased land in Fiji to evacuate their citizens as scientists have projected that the islands will most likely be underwater within the next 40 years.

The entire Pacific region contributes just 0.03% of total greenhouse gas emissions, yet millions of Pacific Islanders are subjected to the severe impacts of climate change which are an existential threat to our homeland, culture, livelihoods, and our Pacific identity. The sinking of low-lying areas has become a stark reminder and a potent symbol of climate change. Most research predicts our low-lying islands will be submerged by the end of the 21st century with some islands running out of freshwater long before they run out of land.

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Israel’s Violent Heart

Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it do singe yourself.

William Shakespeare

Israel’s Declining Sperm Quality Tied To Depleted Uranium Exposure

(TEL AVIV / SALEM) – Israel’s population is facing a dire threat: a drastic depopulation, from the use of weapons that leave behind Depleted Uranium (DU). Depleted Uranium leads to the word Omnicidal, as DU kills everything in the food chain, everywhere the wind blows. Experts say the dramatic drop in Israel’s sperm count could eliminate their ability to reproduce.

Research by an Israeli doctor shows a significant drop in sperm count level and sperm motility among young Israeli soldiers in recent years. Sperm motility is the ability of sperm to move properly toward an egg.

It is attributed to the inhalation of DU aerosolized nano-particles; the dirty results of extra powerful weapons used by Israel and the U.S.

All of that military might as it turns out, could set the stage for a massive Israeli act of population suicide.

A study by Dr. Ronit Haimov-Kokhman released in November, showed a 40-percent decline in the concentration of sperm cells in Israeli sperm donors from 2004 to 2008, compared to samples taken between 1995 and 1999.

Sperm banks in Israel are now reportedly turning away as many as two-thirds of potential donors, due to the low-quality sperm. In the past, around one-third of the potential donors were turned away.

According to Ofri Ilani’s article in Haaretz, Study: Quality of Israeli sperm down 40% in past decade:

“The research confirmed that in 10 years, the average concentration of sperm among donors declined from 106 million cells per cubic centimeter to 67 million per cubic centimeter. The rate of sperm motility has also declined: from 79 to 67 percent, although the profile of donors did not change over that period; they are still young, healthy and do not smoke.”[1]

Haimov-Kokhman says the problem is not entirely unique; the quality of sperm has also declined in a number of Western countries. But in Israel he says, it has been particularly rapid.

“If we keep going at this rate, a decline of 3 million cubic centimeters of sperm cells per year, we’ll reach an average of 20 million in 2030. The World Heath Organization defines this as fertility impairment.” said this about the reported thousands of tons of nuclear waste in the form of armor piercing rounds, referred to as “depleted uranium” or “DU”, in the invasion of Iraq:

“The United States and Britain have gravely endangered not only the Iraqis and their own troops, but the entire world. In the first invasion, at least 320 tons of DU were exploded into Iraq, at least 1500 tons were blasted in the second illegal invasion.”[2]

They cite Professor Malcolm Hopper of the University of Sunderland in the U.K., whose extensive studies of health effects on British and U.S. soldiers who served in the Gulf War, shows as many as 21,000 U.S. Gulf War veterans have died, “due not just to DU exposure but to the astounding amounts of organophosphate (OP) poisoning from various toxins (or supposedly anti-toxins) given to the troops as ‘preventive’ medicine.”

This human and environmental disaster was reviewed by Bob Nichols, a correspondent with SFBayView who specializes in nuclear issues with an emphasis on the atmospheric contamination from Depleted Uranium. In the article PTSD, Infertility and Other Consequences of War, he discusses how Israel is likely to be depopulated soon[3].

“Israel falls within the region that has been dosed with depleted uranium [DU] [various kinds of munitions] in the West Asian theatre of war. DU kills people at genetic level.” A report by Dr. Ronit Haimov-Kokhman, which was debated in the Knesset, is cited in the report by Ofri Ilani.

Arun Shrivastava, a writer with the Centre for Research on Globalization, says this has been known for some time.

“Admiral Bhagwat and I made our presentations at GNDU, Amritsar, in April 2008, social workers among the audience came up and narrated some events that actually provide hard enough evidence of DU contamination the entire North-western India. There was a significant presence of top officers from the Indian Army.”

He says they are keenly aware of this silent weapon. “The security forces know what the American and NATO soldiers have done to South and West Asians.”

According to Shrivastava, contamination of the total Indian population stands at over 300 million; the total West and South Asian population affected stands at least 900 million, possibly more than a billion.

“None of these would complete their normal life. None of us will. This entire region will be depopulated which is what the PTBs have in mind and they have set in motion processes that can’t be stopped. No way,” Shrivastava said.

There is little question that this information has tremendous significance for the people of Palestine and Gaza, although these unfortunate people might end up the same way as the Israelis.

Reports from other West Asian countries are identical, Shrivastava says, “Both US and NATO forces have committed genocide right in Asia. Our civilizations may never be the same, may not be viable.”

It is important to note how overlooked this significant world problem truly is, and how indicting it turns out to be. Shrivastava says it is also important to remember that the DU is a result of military activity that is illegal under international law.

“Please note that the use of WMD is war crime. There are cases pending under ICCA against three US Presidents and two British PMs and their entire cabinet. DU weapons are WMDs; they are weapons of indiscriminate destruction and environmental contamination….IN PERPETUITY.”

As Nichols states in his article, uranium oxide gas weapons are called “genocidal weapons.”

“They maim and kill millions of people, their animals and their land. The actual targets by the U.S. Expeditionary Forces are the populations of Central Asia and the Middle East, about a billion people.”

He reminds us that more than a million American servicemembers, thousands of contractors, and others, like journalists have had their boots on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past several years, not to mention the thousands of people from other nations.

“The medical disability rate is over 60 percent and ‘PTSD’ is a common diagnosis. Soldiers from the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy report similar medical problems as well.”

According to figures cited in his article, a milligram (mg) of uranium oxide poison gas is roughly equal in size to one of the periods at the end of these sentences. When this is absorbed by Marines and soldiers, through their skin, no limit exists in regard to their exposure. It could range from to one milligram to a thousand.

Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D., GNSH said, “Each tiny milligram shoots about 1,251,000 powerful radioactive bullets a day with a range of about 20 cells of the human body for thousands or even billions of years.”

Dr. Bertell currently serves on a number of Pentagon radiation committees; she has been in this role for decades.

The worst part is that all of it has taken place under protest by activists, scientists, and defense experts. There has been no doubt in the minds of those who know, but their words have gone unheeded. Orders to use these internationally illegal weapons are made by presidential order in U.S. war zones.

Serious information at a serious time in history. It would truly be ironic if Israel’s military machine, so ruthlessly applied over the years on the Arab people, would render the population without the ability to reproduce.

14 April, 2010

By Tim King

Tim King is a former U.S. Marine with twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. In addition to his role as a war correspondent, this Los Angeles native serves as’s Executive News Editor. Tim spent the winter of 2006/07 covering the war in Afghanistan, and he was in Iraq over the summer of 2008, reporting from the war while embedded with both the U.S. Army and the Marines.