About G.I. Joe

Knowing is half the battle.

Terran Pride

All of you are my cubs, part of my PRIDE here on Earth, black, red, white, yellow and brown. — Joe Rayner

Long ago our ancestors were cast out from their home-world, deemed unfit for civilized society. They packed our forebears into spaceships and gave them the dubious honor of colonizing a barren swath of the galaxy. They probably thought we’d be wiped out by the dangers of the universe, but they underestimated us. We’re survivors. We’re winners. We’re Terran. And we intend to bend the universe to our will.”

  • An anonymous terran.

Empires: American

Trial of Silvio Berlusconi

SILVIO BERLUSCONI  is a fanatical leader of Italy who rules with an iron fist and demands total loyalty or allegiance. His objective is total control of Italy’s governments, people, wealth, and resources, brought about by revolution and chaos. He is believed to have personally led the Dark Clandestine Masonic Lodge Propaganda Due.

Greta Thunberg

What is ‘Flora and Fauna’?

Without flora and fauna, humans cannot exist. The flora generates and releases oxygen, which is needed by the fauna for respiratory purposes. In return, the fauna produces and releases carbon dioxide, which is needed by the flora for photosynthesis.