63 thoughts on “African Union

  1. Bloodfather mel gibson….paperboy of the angels and saints

    ‘Now Jesus himself had pointed out that a prophet has no honour in his own country’ (John 4:44). Christ also said ‘no prophet is accepted in his home town’ (Luke 4:16-30), and ‘Only in his home town and in his own house is a prophet without honour’

    break the curse
    ave maria

  2. mini mengele’s….dr mengela’s puppet doctors…evil inc.

    Research Demonstrates that HIV Infection May be Inhibited by Elderberry, Cinnamon, and Green Tea Extracts
    HerbalScience | Aug 19, 2009

  3. this is meritocracy. not might makes right….paris is smartest….a revolutionary has to be wise to avoid the killing fields. fake own death like prodigy learned from tupac

  4. P has economics degree. knows hw bush voodoo economics like me & My cousin from Polish school

    african school economics is the tally stick. first african money. guy fawkes money

    no man is fit to serve the world alone

  5. paris wants to buy kids free breakfast like the panthers. J edgar Hoover said free breakfast for african kids was the most dangerous part of their ideology

  6. slaves to the bottle…it’s like schindlers ‘s list. how many free kids breakfast could i have bought for that 300 dollar bottle of kristal?

  7. Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused tech billionaire Bill Gates of starting an Ebola epidemic in The Congo….12 monkeys plague coming unless these women….woman up…

    guerilla funk is the truth about the bioweapons.

    Paris was the first to talk about the aids plague…alpha the african community fears..

    nothing to fear but fear itself…he’s in the killing fields if there is a civil war

    the african school of economics is tally sticks…mr taliman

  8. these girls where on Guerilla News Network watching the revolutionaries….paris taught me i taught paris..that’s y i’m his son..now we’re on the edge of armageddon martial law killing fields…gulag like soviet union

    calm calm

    no color code anymore

    no bin laden

    no hillary

  9. they sponsor terror…to drive the goyim/sheep into blind sumbission

    PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION … of death, necessary to maintain the terror which tends to produce blind submission.

  10. Now comes the famine of babylon

    REVELATION 18:7 To the measure of her boasting and wantonness
    repay her in torment and grief;
    for she said to herself, ‘I sit enthroned as queen;
    I am no widow, and I will never know grief.’

    8 Therefore, her plagues will come in one day,
    pestilence, grief, and famine;
    she will be consumed by fire.
    For mighty is the Lord God who judges her.”

  11. Mitar Tabarich: Serbian prophet


    “On our borders and over them, a new nation will appear. They will grow like grass after a deluge; they will be good and honest, and they will answer our hatred with reason. They will take care of each other like brothers.

    NOTE: This refers to the establishment of independent states like Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina, the sparks that lit the Bosnia war.

    “And we, because of our madness, shall think that we know everything and that we can do anything, and we shall baptize them with some new fate of ours, but all that will be in vain — because they will believe only in themselves and in nobody else. Big trouble will become of it, because this nation will be brave.

  12. Alfredo Darrington Bowman (26 November 1933 – 6 August 2016), better known as Dr. Sebi …

    Bowman claimed that HIV is not the cause of AIDS and used herbal remedies to treat people. In 1987, Bowman was arrested and charged in New …

  13. Bono isn’t shitty like SP’s say…south parkers


    More than one million adults and children die every year from HIV/AIDS in Africa alone. In 2011, 1.7 million people worldwide died from AIDS. Since the epidemic of HIV/AIDS, more than 75 million people have contracted the illness, and over 36 million have died from an HIV-related cause.

  14. robertfkennedyjr

    Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.
    Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.

  15. What does Gaddafi’s death mean for Africa? – BBC News

    At an AU summit in 2008, he got many African traditional leaders to declare him the continent’s “king of kings”.

  16. President George HW Bush 1989 Address on the War on Drugs….HW gave the drugs to the black community and started the war on drugs to keep the prices high (10 wheel of fortune, capitalist, businessman) …that monster will not get the 6th day resurrection

    REV 2:10 Do not be afraid of anything that you are going to suffer.
    Indeed, the devil will throw some of you into prison,

    that you may be tested, and you will face an ordeal for ten days.
    Remain faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.

  17. I’M A FAN of skull & Bones

    the brotherhood of death…and i’m a fan of man….HOO AHH…this Paris, This Oscar will never lead Africa….and there’s nothing u JOES can do about it.

  18. Opulence and Opium: The Legacy of Harvard’s Drug Syndicate


    From Harvard, the opium trade spread throughout New England. According to Bradley, Yale University’s infamous Skull and Bone society was funded by the Russels, the most successful family of opium dealers in America. Columbia’s Low Memorial Library was also named after a key member of the family. Even Princeton’s first large benefactor, John Green, funded his contribution through the opium trade.



    U triple 6 universal music satanists

    Paris & immortal technique were my teachers on GNN….and i was their teacher…u kill Paris and i kill this world with that Mikhail G1 ICBM

  20. The goods that are usually disposed of this way in Africa include vehicles, heavy machinery, electronics, clothes and sometimes foodstuff. In the case of vehicles and electronics, most of these are sold in the second-hand or used items market. I

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